Early detection and monitoring

Aquaticus LLC offers several early detection and monitoring services including but not limited to,

  • Veliger analysis via cross-polarized light microscopy,
  • Design and implementation of monitoring projects for target species, e.g., presence/ non-detect, density, and abundance (Example: Wells 2015),
  • Field collection and laboratory analysis of chemical and biological samples (Example: Wells et al 2010),
  • Mapping, e.g., ArcGIS (Example: http://mussels.geos.pdx.edu),
  • Technical writing.
Figure 1: Aquaticus biologist field sampling aquatic invertebrates using sediment grab samplers and sieves.

We have almost 15 years of experience working in the field (Figure 1) and over 4,000 hours on light microscopes in the laboratory (Figure 2) collecting baseline information and monitoring populations.

Figure 2: Biologists analyzing plankton samples for zebra and quagga mussels veligers using cross-polarized light microscopy.

We are cost-competitive and may have the tools and experience to help your project!