Aquaticus LLC is a small company focused on the management of aquatic invasive species. We have worked primarily in freshwater systems with invasive mollusks such as zebra and quagga mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis bugensis, respectively), New Zealand mudsnails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum),and macrophytes such as hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) and milfoils (Myriophyllum spicatum, etc.).
Aquaticus LLC was formed by Steve Wells when the family and business moved from Oregon to Florida. Steve spent the bulk of his career working at the Center for Lakes and Reservoirs at Portland State University under Dr. Mark D. Sytsma. While at PSU, Steve worked on over 30 research projects ranging from early detection monitoring for animals and plants, developing vulnerability assessments, and research aimed at managing aquatic invasive species such as foul-release coatings to mitigate biofouling mussels and the phenology of aquatic plants. Steve became a private consultant in 2015 with the formation of Western Biological Services LLC, and this company was merged into Aquaticus LLC in 2017.
Our company believes management of natural resources should be guided by science, safety, and cost. Independent and peer-reviewed science is critical to develop an informed management strategy and reach a successful outcome. Safety for humans foremost, but also for all of the non-target animals and plants; we’re all in this life together. Money is limited, and Aquaticus LLC understands that reality and focuses on cost-effective solutions.
More about Steve Wells.