Light microscopy

Aquaticus LLC maintains a light microscopy laboratory offering several services utilizing both compound and stereo-microscopes and microscope imaging.

  • Early detection of zebra and quagga mussel larvae in plankton samples using cross-polarized microscopy,
  • Enumeration and mortality to assess control efforts,
  • Specimen identification including other mollusks and aquatic plants (Figures 1 and 2).
Figure 1: Bivalves including A) Anodonta glochidia larvae, and B) Corbicula fluminea juvenile.
Figure 3: Aquaticus biologist analyzing plankton samples for presence/ non-detect of zebra and quagga mussel veligers using compound light microscopes fitted with digital cameras.

Aquaticus scientists have over thirteen years experience with light microscopy focused on detection, identification, and enumeration of aquatic invasive species. Aquaticus LLC is considered an expert working with cross-polarized light microscopy analyzing plankton samples for invasive bivalve larvae, e.g., Dreissena polymorpha veligers (Figure 3). We have co-authored standardized protocols used throughout the United States, and are involved in  scientific research aimed at advancing the laboratory tools used to detect, identify and enumerate invasive aquatic plants and animals.

Figure 2: Limpets (Fontinelis) and macrophyte viewed under stereo light microscopy.